Малко старо, но актуално.
Малко старо, но актуално.
Superinfection exclusion and the long-term survival of honey bees in Varroa-infested colonies (2015)
Gideon J Mordecai, Laura E Brettell, Stephen J Martin, David Dixon, Ian M Jones and Declan C Schroeder
Идеята тук е чрез заразяване с авирулентни варианти на даден вирус да се избегне превземането на организма от вирусни варианти, които убиват. Обяснен е един от възможните механизми довели до пчелни популации толерантни на вароа.
"The discovery of a potential SIE mechanism in honey bees gives those wishing to limit or eradicate the sources of honey bee colony decline the possibility of active intervention. For example, in the citrus industry, where SIE is used to reduce crop losses by inoculating plants with a benign variant of Citrus tristeza virus to protect against infection by a more pathogenic form (Lee and Keremane, 2013). Accordingly, the direct introduction of DWV type B could provide a form of biocontrol against further collapse of European honey bee colonies in the face of Varroa infestation"
There is a danger that by placing too much emphasis on external uniformity, we may lose the much more important objective of performance.
Seminal fluid of honeybees contains multiple mechanisms to combat infections of the sexually transmitted pathogen Nosema apis
Всичко, което е далече от морето, е провинция.
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Bee Virus Spread Manmade and Emanates from Europe
Всичко, което е далече от морето, е провинция.
Ърнест Хемингуей
Eiri DM, Suwannapong G, Endler M, Nieh JC (2015) Nosema ceranae Can Infect Honey Bee Larvae and Reduces Subsequent Adult Longevity. PLoS ONE 10(5)
There is a danger that by placing too much emphasis on external uniformity, we may lose the much more important objective of performance.
The Iflaviruses Sacbrood virus and Deformed wing virus evoke different transcriptional responses in the honeybee which may facilitate their horizontal or vertical transmission
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How Honey Bee Colonies Survive in the Wild: Testing the Importance of Small Nests and Frequent Swarming
J. Carter Loftus, Michael L. Smith, Thomas D. Seeley
March 11, 2016
Как дивите пчелни семейства оцеляват: Тестване на значимостта на малкото гнездо и честото роене
Дж. Картър Лофтъс, Майкъл Л. Смит, Томас Д. Сийлий
11 Март 2016
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